The Analysis Of Economic Growth, The Government Spending Educationsector, Health Sector, And Infrastructure Sector On Human Development Index In East Java – AJHSSR

The Analysis Of Economic Growth, The Government Spending Educationsector, Health Sector, And Infrastructure Sector On Human Development Index In East Java

The Analysis Of Economic Growth, The Government Spending Educationsector, Health Sector, And Infrastructure Sector On Human Development Index In East Java

ABSTRACT : East Java province in the 2011-2018 period had spread of the Human Development Index (HDI) which is not evenly distributed in each district and the city. So this causes East Java province is in the classification of Medium Human Development (medium human development). It is thus important to know the factors that affect the Human Development Index in the province of East Java. In this study will be seen how the variables influence economic growth, government expenditure education sector, health sector, and infrastructure to the Human Development Index in the province of East Java in 2011-2018 and Local Government’s strategy to improve the Human Development Index of East Java Province.

KEYWORD :Economics Growth, Education, Health, Infrastructure, Human Development Index