The Attitude and Positions of Insider and Outsiders in Islamic Studies – AJHSSR

The Attitude and Positions of Insider and Outsiders in Islamic Studies

The Attitude and Positions of Insider and Outsiders in Islamic Studies

ABSTRACT: Researching Islamic studies is not merely done by Muslims (insider perspective) but also by thenon-Muslim community or non-Muslim Western scholars (outsider perspective). In conducting religious studies– using religion as the object has two difficulties. The first is the objectify or imprison the object of study.Second, it places the sacred and divine values as a neutral object of study. It will be considered to reduce or evendestroy traditional values. This study analyzes the differences between insiders and outsiders in Islamic studies.Outsiders’ Islamic studies contribute scientific ideas which generate intellectual movements in Islamiccivilization. The main problems in religious studies from insider and outsider perspectives are subjectivity andobjectivity, close and distant research experiences, emic and etic positions. The results of outsider research asnon-partisan observers who study religion objectively constitute a significant contribution to the study ofreligion. Likewise, essential information from insiders becomes an integral part of outsiders’ scientific series ofreligious studies. The insider needs the insider’s perspective to understand the historicity and phenomenology ofthe religion. Thus, it enriches the understanding from a normative theological apologist to a completeunderstandingKata Kunci : Islamic Studies, Insider, outsider.

KEYWORDS: Islamic studies, objectify, insider, outsider.