The authority of active partners and passive partners in the company type of commanditaire vennootschap. – AJHSSR

The authority of active partners and passive partners in the company type of commanditaire vennootschap.

The authority of active partners and passive partners in the company type of commanditaire vennootschap.

ABSTRACT : This study aims to review the literature on the authority of active and passive partners and the advantages and disadvantages of the authorities of active and passive partnersof a CV. CV, in its structure, recognizes two types of partners, complementary partners and limited partners. The authority of complementary partners is active in managing and running the company and entering into legal relations with outside parties. In contrast to limited partners who are not authorized to run the company but only should have an obligation to provide capital income to the company. The obligation of a limited partnership to surrender money, goods, or labor as income in the partnership. They are not to take part in the partnership management, while the complementary partner provides income to the company and is obliged to become a manager of the company.
KEYWORDS;Indonesia, Commanditaire Vennootschap, complementary partners, limited partners, Authority, Responsible