The Commemoration of Maulid (Prophet Muhammad’s Birthday) in Pidie District, Aceh: An Ethnography Study – AJHSSR

The Commemoration of Maulid (Prophet Muhammad’s Birthday) in Pidie District, Aceh: An Ethnography Study

The Commemoration of Maulid (Prophet Muhammad’s Birthday) in Pidie District, Aceh: An Ethnography Study

ABSTRACT:This study attempted to explore the practice of Prophet Muhammad’s birthday commemoration inPidie District, Aceh, Indonesia.To obtain findings, the researchers formulate research questions: 1) What is thepractice of the Birthday of the Prophet Muhammad in the District of Pidie in Aceh Province?, 2) What factorsencourage and hinder the tradition of the commemoration of the Birthday of the Prophet Muhammad in thecommunity in Pidie District?, and 3) What symbols and meanings are contained in the commemoration of theBirthday of the Prophet Muhammad in the community in Pidie District? The research method used wasqualitative.The research samples wereTgk. Imum Mukim, Ulama and tradition, GeuchikGampong, and femaleleaders. Based on the results of the study, it can be explained that the tradition of the commemoration of theProphet Muhammad’s Birthday in Aceh and the Bambi Settlement has begun since Islam developed in Aceh.The process of implementation is through community deliberations in determining the birthday. There areseveral stages in carrying out the maulid, namely preparation for BueKulah, IdangMeulapeeh, eating together,Meudikee, and Da’wah Islamiyah. The implementation of the maulid began in the month from 12th of the earlyWednesday to the beginning of the final Jumadil month. The factors that encourage the community in theimplementation of maulid are as a form of gratitude, proof of obedience to religion, togetherness, and the spiritof mutual cooperation. Acting factors are economic factors and differences of opinion in the celebration ofMawlid. The symbol in this research is BueKulah (rice smoked with banana leaves and cone shape).IdangMeulapeh is a dish arranged in a tray brought to Meunasah. The yellow color represents the majesty, thered symbolizes courage, and the green color symbolizes coolness and the fastening on the food hood aremade inthe direction of the compass.

Keywords: Tradition, Birthday Commemoration, Mukim, BueKulah, IdangMeulapeh