ABSTRACT: The sense of caring for the elderly is a phenomenon experienced in any society, be it indigenous or modern. As people advance in age, there are some who reach extreme limits of age. They become frail,bvulnerable and dependant. The elderly rely mostly on the generosity of family members and the society for theirbsupport. This paper examines the concept of ethics of care for the elderly and its perspectives. The study largelybrelies on library work and few cases of oral interviews. The study findings indicate that the discharge of carebinvolves support in terms of physical as well as financial assistance. Other elements include emotional support,bspiritual care and the social aspect which demands that the care-giver should visit and take time to be with the
elderly. Such care is realized when one develop the will to care which bring about the fact of caring.
KEY WORDS: care, elderly, perspectives, discharge, developing, will to care.