The Determinants of Innovation in European Countries in the period 2010-2019 – AJHSSR

The Determinants of Innovation in European Countries in the period 2010-2019

The Determinants of Innovation in European Countries in the period 2010-2019

ABSTRACT:We analyze data from European Innovation Scoreboard for 36 countries in the period 2010-2019.We estimate the determinants of the “Innovation Index”in respect to 14 classes of variables. We found that theability to innovate is negatively associated with “Business and Entrepreneurship” and “Performance andStructure of the Economy”. The ability to innovate is positively associated to “Attractive Research Systems”,“Demography”, “Employment Impacts”, “Finance and Support”, “Firm Investments”, “Governance and PolicyFramework”, “Human Resources”, “Innovation-friendly Environment”, “Innovators”, “Intellectual Assets”,“Linkages” “Sales Impact”.