The Determining Participation Factors of Coastal Communities in Development in the Indonesia-Malaysia Border Region – AJHSSR

The Determining Participation Factors of Coastal Communities in Development in the Indonesia-Malaysia Border Region

The Determining Participation Factors of Coastal Communities in Development in the Indonesia-Malaysia Border Region

ABSTRACT: State border regions are characterized by limited infrastructure and culture that are still in disadvantaged areas. Community participation in the development of the country’s border regions is demonstrated through joint decision making to achieve development goals. This study used the survey method in Temajuk Village, Sambas Regency, West Kalimantan. The sample was determined using cluster random sampling technique with Dusun as cluster. Two hundred thirty-six samples were analyzed to fulfill the requirements of statistical tests. Data were analyzed using quantitative analysis including descriptive and multiple linear regresion analysis. This study aims to analyze the factors that influence the level of participation of coastal communities in development. The result shows that: (1) the level of participation of coastal communities in development is is low; (2) factors that influence the level of community participation in development are the family member dependents, participatory development communication, social environment, government intervention and infrastructure support.
KEYWORDS : community participation, coastal community, border region