The Development of Religion through Man’s Will: A Critical Analysis – AJHSSR

The Development of Religion through Man’s Will: A Critical Analysis

The Development of Religion through Man’s Will: A Critical Analysis

ABSTRACT: Life is not worth living when absurd beliefs confined individuals from illusions to a total deception. Most people today become victims of a religious organization. This paper investigates the origin and development of religion, etymological meaning, the latter’s purpose of the identity of God, its relic and products and the transition into a new intervention to deal on the present state of man’s absurdity. The current intervention of religious organization is found distorted and deformed from the original context. Hence, the investigation falls on the conclusion that the present belief on religion is confined in individuals from an illusion that led them to become victims of an invented guild or congregation, which is found absurd. Ignorance then is a choice, but the will of a predator is always a threat to deceive and confuse others.
KEYWORDS: absurdity, confession, convalescent, creed, philosophy, religion, will.