The Ecolexicon of Lake Toba in Batak Toba Language – AJHSSR

The Ecolexicon of Lake Toba in Batak Toba Language

The Ecolexicon of Lake Toba in Batak Toba Language

ABSTRACT: This study aims to describe the ecolexicon treasures which represent the scope of Lake Toba.Ecolinguistic theory is used in this study. The data in this study are lexicons related to the scope of Lake Toba..Data collection methods used are interview and observation methods. In the analysis used a qualitativedescriptive method. The results revealed 29 lexicon related to the silt environment with three categories ofecolexicon entities namely flora ecolexicon, fauna ecolexicon and fishing gear ecolexicon. The lexicon categoryconsists of nouns and verbs. There are lexicon forms that are basic, derivative forms in the form of repeatedwords, and compound words.

Keywords: Ecolexicon, Lake Toba, Flora, Fauna, Fishing Gear