The Effect of Brand Equity on Consumer Buyer Decisions : A Case Study in Grocery Product – AJHSSR

The Effect of Brand Equity on Consumer Buyer Decisions : A Case Study in Grocery Product

The Effect of Brand Equity on Consumer Buyer Decisions : A Case Study in Grocery Product

ABSTRACT : The increasing competition leads product offering from other competitors are varied, henceconsumer loyalty is questionable. It is prominence to create distinguishable product so that leads loyalty to theconsumer, particularly in grocery product. This paper aims to test brand equity of a new brand which consist ofbrand awareness, brand loyalty, brand association, and perceived quality on consumer purchase decisions. Thefinding revealed strong relationship on perceived quality and brand association regarding strong cognizablefrom the previous brand product in spite of low brand loyalty. The findings are more useful to practitioners in away to understand the way of consumer perception point of view.

KEYWORDS : Brand association, awareness, loyalty, perceived quality, purchase decisions