The Effect of Career Development, Work Environment, And Organizational Commitment To Employee Retention – AJHSSR

The Effect of Career Development, Work Environment, And Organizational Commitment To Employee Retention

The Effect of Career Development, Work Environment, And Organizational Commitment To Employee Retention

ABSTRACT : Retaining employees is an important goal of every organization because the key to long-termsuccess in a company depends on employee retention. In order for employees to stay in the company, acompany needs to pay attention to factors that influence employee retention. The research objective is todetermine the effect of career development, work environment, and organizational commitment on employeeretention. This research conducted at PT. Bali Ocean Magic with 126 employees as samples. The researchmethod uses saturated samples and data collection is done through interviews and questionnaires. The dataanalysis technique used is multiple linear regression analysis. Hypothesis testing results indicate careerdevelopment, work environment, and organizational commitment to a significant positive effect on employeeretention.

Keywords – employee retention, career development, work environment, organizational commitment.