ABSTRACT : Business development in the service sector, including the hospitality service industry, continuesto grow rapidly.This development raises competition that requires companies to create the right marketingstrategy. Marketing strategy aims to attract purchase interest and increase sales.Likewise withHARRIS Hotels &Conventions Denpasarwho are also aware of the importance of marketing strategies in increasing guest buyinginterest. This study aims to analyze the effect of Firm Generated Content (FGC) (X1) and Micro CelebrityEndorser (X2) on Purchase Intention (Y) of Guests atHARRIS Hotels & Conventions Denpasar. The datacollection technique used is by distributing questionnaires and documentation. The analysis technique used isthe classical assumption test, multiple linear regression analysis, t test, F test, coefficient of determination andeffective contribution. Online questionnaires were distributed to 75 respondents. The characteristics of therespondents in this study were predominantly male, dominant with undergraduate education and dominantlyaged 21-30 years. The results of this study indicate that Firm Generated Content has a positive and significanteffect on buying interest, this is indicated by the results of the t test, namely t count > t table = (7.824 > 1.993)and p value <(0.000<0.05); Micro Celebrity Endorser also has a positive and significant effect on buyinginterest, this is indicated by the results of the t test, namely tcount> ttable = (8.671>1.993) and pvalue<(0.000<0.05); Firm Generated Content and Micro Celebrity Endorser have a positive and significanteffect on buying interest, this is indicated by the value of Fcount>Ftable = (12,786>3.12); the results of theanalysis of the coefficient of determination indicated by the R2 value of 59% means that the influence of FirmGenerated Content and Micro Celebrity Endorser has a moderate level of influence; The results of the effectivedonation show that Firm Generated Content has an influence of 21.677% on buying interest and Micro CelebrityEndorser has an influence of 37.352% on buying interest.
KEYWORDS: Firm Generated Content, Micro Celebrity Endorser, Purchase Intention