The Effect of Infrastructure Government Expenditures, Health, And Education On Economic Growth and Public Welfare in City/Regency of Bali Province – AJHSSR

The Effect of Infrastructure Government Expenditures, Health, And Education On Economic Growth and Public Welfare in City/Regency of Bali Province

The Effect of Infrastructure Government Expenditures, Health, And Education On Economic Growth and Public Welfare in City/Regency of Bali Province

ABSTRACT: Bali Province as a tourist destination is already very well known all over the world with its natural beauty which makes it one of the tourist destinations that are in demand by various domestic and foreign tourists. However, there are still gaps when viewed from Economic Growth and the impact on the Public Welfare. The research objectives to be achieved: 1) to analyze the effect of Infrastructure Government Expenditures, health, and education on Economic Growth in the Regency / City of Bali Province. 2) to analyze the effect of Infrastructure Government Expenditures, health, and education, as well as Economic Growth on Public Welfare in the Regency / City of Bali Province. 3) to analyze Government Infrastructure Expenditures, health, and education on Public Welfare through Economic Growth in Regency / City of Bali Province. The data used in this research is secondary data. Data collection related to this research was carried out using nonparticipant observation methods. The data analysis technique used to solve the problem in this study is the path analysis technique. The results of the analysis show that Infrastructure Government Expenditures and education had a positive and significant effect on Economic Growth, while Health Government Expenditures had no effect on Economic Growth in the Regency / City of Bali Province. Infrastructure Government Expenditures and health had a positive and significant effect on Public Welfare, while Education Government Expenditures had no effect on Public Welfare in the Regency / City of the Province of Bali. Economic Growth mediates the effect of Infrastructure Government Expenditures and education on Public Welfare, while Economic Growth did not mediate the effect of Health Government Expenditures on Public Welfare in the Regency / City of Bali Province.
Keywords: Infrastructure Government Expenditures, Health Government Expenditures, Education Government
expenditures, Economic Growth, Public Welfare