The Effect of Investment, Education Level, and Wage Level on Job Opportunities and Community Welfare in Regency / City of Bali, Indonesia – AJHSSR

The Effect of Investment, Education Level, and Wage Level on Job Opportunities and Community Welfare in Regency / City of Bali, Indonesia

The Effect of Investment, Education Level, and Wage Level on Job Opportunities and Community Welfare in Regency / City of Bali, Indonesia

ABSTRACT : The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of investment, education level and wage level
on employment opportunities; the effect of investment, education level, level of wages and job opportunities on
people’s welfare; and to analyze the indirect effect of investment, education level, wage level on community
welfare through employment opportunities. The data used are secondary data, with 72 observations. The
analysis technique used is path analysis. The results show that investment and education levels have a positive
and significant effect on job opportunities, wages have a negative and insignificant effect on job opportunities;
investment has a positive and significant effect on the welfare of society, the level of education has a positive
and significant effect on the welfare of the community. The level of wages and job opportunities has a positive
and significant effect on people’s welfare; investment, education level and wage level have an indirect effect on
people’s welfare through employment opportunities.

Keywords -Investment, Education Level, Wage Level, Employment Opportunities and Community Welfare alue