The Effect of Job Satisfaction on Intention to Quit Mediated by Organizational Commitment (Study at PT. Bintang Sidoraya Denpasar) – AJHSSR

The Effect of Job Satisfaction on Intention to Quit Mediated by Organizational Commitment (Study at PT. Bintang Sidoraya Denpasar)

The Effect of Job Satisfaction on Intention to Quit Mediated by Organizational Commitment (Study at PT. Bintang Sidoraya Denpasar)

ABSTRACT: Intention to quit is an employee’s desire to move from one workplace to another. The desire toleave is due to job satisfaction, not fulfilling employee expectations, seen from the aspect of social exchangetheory, which triggers a reflection of the low organizational commitment of employees wanting to find other ornew job alternatives. This study aims to examine the effect of job satisfaction on intention to quit mediating theorganizational commitment of PT BintangSidoraya Denpasar. The number of samples used are 88 employees,using the saturated sample method. Data collection was carried out through interviews and questionnaires. Thedata analysis technique used was path analysis and sobel test. The results show job satisfaction has a negativeand significant effect on intention to quit, organizational commitment has a negative and significant effect onintention to quit, job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on organizational commitment, andorganizational commitment mediates the relationship between job satisfaction and intention to quit.

Keywords -Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, Intention to Quit