The Effect Of Organizational Culture, Work Motivation And Work Experience On Employee Performance – AJHSSR

The Effect Of Organizational Culture, Work Motivation And Work Experience On Employee Performance

The Effect Of Organizational Culture, Work Motivation And Work Experience On Employee Performance

ABSTRACT : The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of organizational culture, work motivation,and work experience on employee performance. This research is conducted at UD. Rainbow Bali Iron Work, thenumber of samples used are 38 employees, using saturated sampling. Data collected using questionnaires andinterviews. The analysis technique used is multiple linear regression. The results showed that organizationalculture has a strong and significant effect on employee performance, work motivation has a high and significanteffect on employee performance, work experience has a high and significant effect on employee performance.To improve the performance of UD Rainbow Bali Iron Work employees, the company should pay attention tothe work experience of prospective employees so that the risk of mistakes while working can be minimized,ensuring a safe work environment so they feel comfortable at work and give appreciation so that employees aremotivated to work and have an impact on performance better.

Keywords -organizational culture, work motivation, work experience, performance