The Effect of Organizational Justice on Job Satisfaction and Employee Performance of PT. Merapi Utama Pharma – AJHSSR

The Effect of Organizational Justice on Job Satisfaction and Employee Performance of PT. Merapi Utama Pharma

The Effect of Organizational Justice on Job Satisfaction and Employee Performance of PT. Merapi Utama Pharma

ABSTRACT : This study aims to determine the effect of organizational justice on job satisfaction andemployee performance of PT. MerapiUtama Pharma. This study used a sample of 32 people, with censussampling. Data collection was carried out through observation, interviews and questionnaires. The analysistechnique used in this study is path analysis. The results of this study found that organizational justice has apositive and significant effect on job satisfaction and employee performance. Job satisfaction has a positive andsignificant effect on employee performance. This study theoretically provides an understanding thatorganizational justice can actually increase job satisfaction and employee performance, when organizationaljustice is appropriate for employees to increase job satisfaction, the job satisfaction felt by employees becomesstronger so that it has the potential to increase performance. employees.

KEYWORDS : organizational justice, job satisfaction, employee performance.