ABSTRACT : The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of recruitment, training and compensationon the performance of village assistants in Pesisir Selatan district. The approach used in this research isquantitative research and the proposed hypothesis. Hypothesis testing using multiple linear regression analysismodel. The population was 104 village assistants in Pesisir Selatan Regency and a sample of 83 people. Thedata used are primary and secondary data. The analysis used multiple linear regression analysis. Based on theresults of the study, it was found that 1) recruitment had an effect on the performance of Village assistants inPesisir Selatan Regency, 2) training had an effect on the performance of Village assistants in Pesisir SelatanRegency, 3) compensation had no effect on the performance of Village assistants in Pesisir Selatan Regency and4) jointly recruitment, training and compensation variables have a joint effect on the performance of villageassistants in Pesisir Selatan district.
Keywords -Recruitment, Training and Compensation and Performance