The Effect of Role ambiguity on Work Related Stress and Employees’ Work Satisfaction – AJHSSR

The Effect of Role ambiguity on Work Related Stress and Employees’ Work Satisfaction

The Effect of Role ambiguity on Work Related Stress and Employees’ Work Satisfaction

ABSTRACT : These days organizations face highly competitive pressure. In order to achieve its purpose,organizations need to elevate their facilities and build professional human resource. To sustain and improve thecompetitiveness of institutions, the management concepts to be developed is job satisfaction. Job satisfactionrepresents negative and positive feelings of employees’ perceptions towards the work they face, a feeling ofachievement in succeeding at work, high job satisfaction implies that employees feel happy and comfortablewith the conditions of the organization’s environment and receive appreciation from their work. The sample inthis research were 100 employees of PT.CiomasAdisatwa Region Bali through saturated sample technique, theresearch utilized PLS analysis method. The result showed that role ambiguity negatively contributed towardswork satisfaction significantly. Role ambiguity positively affected towards work-related stress significantly Theimplications of this study indicate that in order to increase job satisfaction of employees of PT CiomasAdisatwaRegion Bali, it is necessary to pay attention to the role of ambiguity and employee work stress factors. Thisproved that role ambiguity and work-related stress affected the level of work-satisfaction of employee in termsof achieving company’s goal.

Keywords -role ambiguity, work-related stress and work-satisfaction