ABSTRACT: The world of tourism has become one of the most interesting fields in the past years. The needfor recreation and holidays are increasing making the tourism industry grow rapidly so it will have thepossibility to require holiday through travel agents. There are several things that must be possessed by TravelAgents such as Sales promotion and must have a product to offer to its customers, and also Credibility which isone of the factors that support customers’ purchase intention. The focus of this research will be on the AntaVayaTour & Travel Central Park branch for five months from December 2018 to April 2019 by dividing thequestionnaire to 100 respondents to test the significant influence between sales promotion, product, andcredibility of travel agents on customers’ purchase intention. The research method used is quantitative causalityresearch which will prove the causal relationship between the independent variables namely sales promotion,product, and credibility and the dependent variable is customers’ purchase intention. This study uses descriptiveanalysis techniques in which the results of the study indicate a significant influence between sales promotion,product, and credibility of AntaVaya travel agents on customers’ purchase intention.
KEYWORDS :Credibility,Purchase Intention,Product, Sales Promotion.