The Effect of Total Labor, Dollar Exchange and Export Value in Indonesia Foreign Direct Investment – AJHSSR

The Effect of Total Labor, Dollar Exchange and Export Value in Indonesia Foreign Direct Investment

The Effect of Total Labor, Dollar Exchange and Export Value in Indonesia Foreign Direct Investment

ABSTRACT:Capital requirements for developing countries are needed to more equitable development and accelerating the process of employment with the help of foreign capital. The objectives of this research are 1) Analyze simultaneously total labor, the dollar exchange rate and value of exports to foreign direct investment in Indonesia. 2) Analyze the total of labor, exchange rates dollars and total exports to fdiin Indonesia. 3) Analyze which variables are among the total of labor, dollar exchange rate and valuethe dominant export againstfdiin Indonesia. 4) Analyzing the dollar exchange rate in moderating total export against fdiin Indonesia. This study uses time series data vulnerable time from 1990-2019 there were 30 observations. Using moderation analysis techniques. The results of the simultaneous analysis total of labor, the dollar exchange rate and total exports has a significant fdi in Indonesia. Total of labor has a significant positive effect, the dollar exchange has a significant negative effect, total exports is not significant effect onfdi in Indonesia. Result of Moderation test the negative interaction of the dollar exchange rate in moderating total exports to fdi in Indonesia.
KEYWORDS: Foreign direct investment, total labor, dollar exchange, total export