ABSTRACT : This study of purpose was to determine work discipline, competence and physical workenvironment on employee performance. This research is motivated by disciplinary violations that are stillconsidered normal by employees, low employee competence, physical work environment that does not supportemployee performance, so that employee performance annually experiences instability and tends to declinewhich has an impact on the performance at the District Representative Council of Kerinci.This type of researchuses a quantitative approach with multiple linear regression methods. Data collection techniques usingquestionnaires, observation and interviews. Respondents of this study were 47 employees at at the DistrictRepresentative Council of Kerinci. The sampling method used was themethod in total sampling which the entirepopulation in this study was used as the research sample. Hypothesis testing is calculated using the IBMStatistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) program version 24.0.From the results of this study it is found thatpartially work discipline has a significant effect on employee performance, competence has a significant effecton employee performance, and physical work environment has a significant effect on employee performance.Simultaneously work discipline, competence, physical work environment together have a significant effect onemployee performance. The performance at the District Representative Council of Kerinci.
Keywords -work discipline, competence, physical work environment, employee performance.