The Effect of Work Family, Job Insecurity, and Job Stress on Female EmployeePerformance at Finns Beach Club – AJHSSR

The Effect of Work Family, Job Insecurity, and Job Stress on Female EmployeePerformance at Finns Beach Club

The Effect of Work Family, Job Insecurity, and Job Stress on Female EmployeePerformance at Finns Beach Club

ABSTRACT:Rapid economic growth requires companies to develop and manage human resources oremployees optimally to survive in the competition. Employee performance is an important aspect in determiningthe progress of a company. High employee performance is the ability of employees to complete tasks accordingto the SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) by utilizing the minimum number of employees or utilizingresources effectively and efficiently in completing work. The purpose of this study was to determine workfamily conflicts, job insecurity and job stress, their effects on female employee performance.This research was conducted at FINNS Beach Club, where the company is engaged in food service which islocated on Jalan Pantai Berawa, Tibubeneng, Canggu. The population in this study were 169 people usingsimple random sampling technique, so the sample used was some of the population, namely 119 people. Datacollection was carried out using questionnaires and interviews. The data analysis technique used is multiplelinear regression.Based on the results of data analysis, it was found that work family conflict has a negative and significant effecton employee performance. Job insecurity also has a negative and significant effect on employee performance.Likewise, job stress was proven to have a negative and significant effect on employee performance.To improve employee performance, companies need to motivate their employees more by encouragingemployees, providing job evaluations every 3 (three) months, evaluating the workload of each employee, andpaying attention to employee comfort at work. This is done so that the company can compete and the company’ssurvival is guaranteed.

Keywords: work family conflict, job insecurity, job stress, employee performance, and female employee