ABSTRACT : One of the key values of correctional centres is to provide a decent environment for the effective rehabilitation of offenders and repeat offenders.This has led to the implementation of contemporary rehabilitation tools, cutting across correctional centres in the globe. Against this background, this article sought to understand offender rehabilitation, explore the existing literature on contemporary rehabilitation tools across contexts, hence, forwarding an analyzes, raising arguments on the need for the contemporary rehabilitation tools to ensure effective rehabilitation of offenders and repeat offenders.It begins with an introduction as well as a review of some literature about offender rehabilitation, conceptual explanation of offenders and repeat offenders and delves further with contemporary theory to discuss offender and repeat offending. Overall, there are contributory factors to be an offender as well as repeat offenders, which could be blamed on insufficient rehabilitation tool made at the disposal for offenders and repeat offenders. Hence, it is of great cognizance that correctional centres make ample efforts in rehabilitating offenders, which is likely to address cases of repeat offending. This article concludes that insufficient contemporary rehabilitation tools, stigmatization against offenders would propel an offender to engage in more crime related activities, hence, becoming a recidivist. Thus, some recommendations proffered by this article include provision of aftercare services for offenders which could hinder offenders from venturing into crime related activities upon regaining freedom as well as discouraging stigmatization which was a major reason why offenders are unable to secure payable jobs.
KEYWORDS: Contemporary rehabilitation tool, Crime, Correctional centres, Offender, Repeat offending.