The Effectiveness of Expressive Writing Guidance Technique in Expressing Emotions of Senior High School – AJHSSR

The Effectiveness of Expressive Writing Guidance Technique in Expressing Emotions of Senior High School

The Effectiveness of Expressive Writing Guidance Technique in Expressing Emotions of Senior High School

ABSTRACT: Often adolescence is called a stormy period and a time full of pressure where many changesoccur quickly in individual, emotionally and mentally. Expressing emotions from positive and negative aspectsis a natural action for a person, constructive thing if done correctly, which becomes a problem if not. Duringadolescence, emotional control not yet stable, such as feelings of insecurity, feelings of loneliness and anxietywill influence the continuity of teenagers social relationships. Therefore, efforts must be made to overcomethese problems so that self-development in adolescents is more optimal, one of which’s by means of expressivewriting guidance techniques. This research to determine the effectiveness of expressive writing guidancetechniques on emotional expression. The research method chosen was a quantitative method, before the subjectwas given treatment the subject was in the low category, after receiving treatment subject received the highcategory. The results of this research prove that expressive writing guidance techniques are effective inincreasing students emotional expressions in trainingAsmp. Sig (2-tailed) is worth 0.027. As we look at thedecision making process of the hypothesis 0.027 < 0.050, it can be concluded that Ha is accepted and H0 isrejected, which means there is an increasein emotional expression in students after receiving treatment in theform of expressive writing guidance techniques.

KEYWORDS:Exprssive Writing, Guidance Tecnique,Expressing the Eomtion