The Effectiveness of the Indonesian Anti Human Trafficking Regulation and Law Enforcement – AJHSSR

The Effectiveness of the Indonesian Anti Human Trafficking Regulation and Law Enforcement

The Effectiveness of the Indonesian Anti Human Trafficking Regulation and Law Enforcement

ABSTRACT: All around the world, men, women and children are subject to be victimized by human trafficking for sexual, forced labor and other forms of exploitation. Human trafficking can be defined as a process where people being recruited in their community and country of origin and transported to the destination where they are being exploited for purposes of forced labor, prostitution, domestic servitude, and other forms of exploitation. The implementation of Indonesian laws and regulations as well as it‟s enforcement personnel for fighting against human trafficking has not been evaluated in quantitative and qualitative measures. Therefore this research will analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of the Indonesian anti human trafficking regulation and law enforcement. This research will analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of the Indonesian anti human trafficking regulation and law enforcement. The main cause of trafficking is the lack of information about trafficking, poverty and the low level of education and skills possessed. The problem oftrafficking is a complex problem and needed the complex handling.
KEYWORD : human trafficking, trafficking, trafficking law, anti-human trafficking regulation