The Effectof Brand Love and Brand CommitmentonPositive Word ofMouth in UsingSkincare MS Glow Distributor in Samarinda City – AJHSSR

The Effectof Brand Love and Brand CommitmentonPositive Word ofMouth in UsingSkincare MS Glow Distributor in Samarinda City

The Effectof Brand Love and Brand CommitmentonPositive Word ofMouth in UsingSkincare MS Glow Distributor in Samarinda City

ABSTRACT: This study aimstoanalyzeandexplaintheEffectof Brand Love and Brand CommitmentonPositiveWord OfMouth in Using MS GlowSkincare Distributors in Samarinda City. The population in this studyisthecommunitywhobuyanduse MS Glow Distributor skincareproducts in Samarinda City, whichislocatedat Jl.M. Yamin Mt. Head, District. Samarinda Ulu, Samarinda City, East Kalimantan. The samplingtechniqueusedwas non-probability sampling withthepurposive sampling methodwith a total sampleof 120people. Data collectiontechniquesusingquestionnaires. The analysiswascarriedoutusingPartialLeastSquare (PLS)withtheSmartPLSapplicationversion 3.8.9. The resultsofthesestudiesindicatethattheinfluenceof Brand Love has apositiveandsignificanteffectonPositive Word OfMouth; theinfluenceof Brand Commitment has apositiveandsignificanteffectonPositive Word OfMouth.

Keywords–Brand love, brandcommitment, andpositivewordofmouth