The Effectof Celebrity EndorserCredibility and Product Quality Mediated by Brand Image on Purchase Intention – AJHSSR

The Effectof Celebrity EndorserCredibility and Product Quality Mediated by Brand Image on Purchase Intention

The Effectof Celebrity EndorserCredibility and Product Quality Mediated by Brand Image on Purchase Intention

ABSTRACT : This study aims to examine the effect of credibility of celebrity endorser and product quality to purchase intention through brand image of Emina product cosmetic in Denpasar City. This research wasconducted in Denpasar City involving 100 respondents with purposive sampling method. Data were collectedthrough questionnaires. Data analysis technique used is path analysis technique and sobel test. The result ofresearch shows that credibility of celebrity endorser and product quality have positive and significant effect tobrand image and purchase intention. Brand image has a positive and significant effect on purchase intention..Brand image mediates the effect of celebrity endorser’s credibility and product quality to the purchase intentionof Emina cosmetics.

KEYWORDS: celebrity endorsercredibility, brand image, product quality, purchase intention, eminacosmetic.