The Effects of Teachers‟ Content Knowledge of Mathematics on Grade 6 Learners‟ Performance in South Africa – AJHSSR

The Effects of Teachers‟ Content Knowledge of Mathematics on Grade 6 Learners‟ Performance in South Africa

The Effects of Teachers‟ Content Knowledge of Mathematics on Grade 6 Learners‟ Performance in South Africa

ABSTRACT: Mathematics is one of the most important subjects rooted in many fields of study but has also been one of the greatest challenges for learners in every country, most especially in the Republic of South Africa. There have been attempts to curb the challenges that have bedeviled the success of mathematics education by governments, the Department of Education and many other stakeholders in the district of East London in South Africa. Most of the introduction of mathematics content and how they are taught by mathematics teachers affect learners’ achievement outcomes adversely. Therefore, this study examines the effects teachers’ content knowledge of Mathematics on Grade 6 learners’ performance in East London District, South Africa. The instruments used in collecting data were structured questionnaires, semi-structured interviews to elicit information from grade 6 learners, teachers and observations. Information gathered from the learners and teachers including biographical information, factors affecting teaching and learning of mathematics and suggestions. The findings of the study revealed that some teachers were not specialized in teaching mathematics, inadequate teaching and learning resources, poor time management by teachers. For performance in mathematics to improve in the primary schools in East London Education District in South Africa, the study made some recommendations from the findings to the stakeholders in education such as learners, educators, parents and the department of education. These recommendations might virtually assist in finding lasting solutions to grade 6 learners with mathematics challenges.
KEYWORDS: Mathematics, Learner, Poor performance, Teacher, Teacher turnover, Grade 6, Paradigm,
Annual National Assessment, Trends in International Mathematics and Science Studies.