The Existence of Subak Abian Jepun as Forerunner of Subak Abian in Bali Province – AJHSSR

The Existence of Subak Abian Jepun as Forerunner of Subak Abian in Bali Province

The Existence of Subak Abian Jepun as Forerunner of Subak Abian in Bali Province

ABSTRACT : Subak Abian so far has not been widely known by academic, the public or bureaucracy in theBali Province, so it is only known as Subak Sawah. In this regard, to find out the existence of Subak Abian, aresearch was carried out with the theme of the existence of the study of Subak Abian Jepun at AnganteluCustomary Village, the existence of the Subak Abian Jepun at the Angantelu Customary Village currentlyimplements the Tri Hita Karana philosophy. The purpose of this study is to examine, analyze and find theexistence of Subak Abian Jepun at the Angantelu Customary Village as the forerunner of Subak Abian in BaliProvince. The method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method through primary and secondary datasources, and then data collection techniques and data analysis are carried out resumed with data processing toobtain conclusions. The results of the study obtained indicate that Subak Abian Jepun of Angantelu CustomaryVillage implements the Tri Hita Karana philosophy. Subak Abian Jepun Angantelu Customary Village hashistorical values, cultural values, Hindu religious values and educational values as well as becomes a researchcenter because of the uniqueness owned by the shrine buildings using natural stone as ancient architecture. Interms of parahyangan (spiritual) aspect, there are shrines as a place for subak members to get in touch with IdaSang Hyang Widhi Wasa (Almighty God); in the Pawongan (social) aspect, there are traditional organizations ofindigenous people and in the palemahan (environmental) aspect there is a place to grow crops according to thecultural values of almanac or auspicious days in accordance with the expectations of harvest result. Subak AbianJepun is the forerunner of Subak Abian in Bali Province. Suggestions in this study are that the Subak AbianJepun should be preserved and studied in terms of various forms of unique shrines, the pawongan andPalemahan system for other Subak Abian in Bali Province.

KEYWORDS: Study, Forerunner