The Form of Folk Theater in Mahesa Sri Kamulyan’s Theater Performance – AJHSSR

The Form of Folk Theater in Mahesa Sri Kamulyan’s Theater Performance

The Form of Folk Theater in Mahesa Sri Kamulyan’s Theater Performance

ABSTRACT :Mahesa Sri Kamulyan is a new theater creation inspired by the kebo-keboantraditional ceremony that developed in Alas Malang village, Singojuruh district BanyuwangiRegency, East Java. The creation of this theater departs from the story of mythology that developed asthe myth of Dewi Sri. This theatre work was created to provide some information about the origin ofthe tradition of kebo-keboan that has long been performed by the local community.The concept usedin the theater creation is populist theatre with reference to the related things of populist theatrenamely: (1) Elevating the mythology of the surrounding community, (2) presented through dialogue,dance and song, (3) using spontaneous expressions, (3) using traditional music, (4) being relaxed, (5)being on an open stage. This work has been performed on August, 21st,2020 in Alas Malang,Singojuruh, Banyuwangi, East Java. This performance also involving the local comunity as well asthe cast.

KEYWORDS;Mahesa Sri Kamulyan, Kebo-keboan, folk theatre