The Historically Significance of Bamyan Province and the Role of Historical Aspects in Today’s Situations – AJHSSR

The Historically Significance of Bamyan Province and the Role of Historical Aspects in Today’s Situations

The Historically Significance of Bamyan Province and the Role of Historical Aspects in Today’s Situations

ABSTRACT: Bamyan is one of the historically Provinces of Afghanistan, sits in central of Afghanistan andBamyan city is the largest town in the central of Afghanistan of Hazarajat, and lies approximately 240 km northwest of Kabul, located in the south of Hindu Kush‟s mountains and north of Baba‟s mountains, has cold weatherbecause it‟s almost semi-mountainous, According to monuments of Bamyan and being some evidences, Bamyanvalley was crossroads for caravans of Silk road and the central of Buddhism. Basically; absolutely optimistic,Bamyan should return to ancient historical position.The Bamyan‟s city is the national capital and chosen as “Cultural Capital” for South Asia Association forRegional Cooperation (SAARC), many statues of Buddha are carved into the sides of cliffs facing Bamyancity. But, this research paper will try to focusing the geopolitics of Bamyan‟s city, Buddhas, reconstructions ofBuddhas, Shahr-e-Gholghola, and national park of Afghanistan (Band-e-Amir) in Bamyan province ofAfghanistan. Unfortunately some of these monuments and historic places destroyed or being some threats fordestroying of monuments, for instance; the splendidly of Buddha‟s statues destroyed by extremistfundamentalists of Islam and here being different ideas about reconstructions of them, but it‟s a historical fact;never couldn‟t reconstructions the Buddhas, because here is no being originality and reality. The Bamyan‟santiquities and amusement park is a pacific point for people of Afghanistan also a historic key for relationshipsbetween Afghanistan and other countries.

KeyWords: geographical location of Bamyan province, Shahr-e-Gholghola, sculptures of Buddhas,reconstruction of Buddhas and National park of Afghanistan (Band-e-Amir) in Bamyan.