ABSTRACT: The research aims to describe and analyze the implementation and the determinants of thesuccessful ZIS policy in poverty alleviation through the huyula approach in Gorontalo.The research findings arethat (1) Planning will be more enhanced by the means of modulohupa or discussion with the GorontaloGovernment, the Gorontalo Ministry of Religious Affairs, all sub-district chiefs and heads of villages inGorontalo, representatives of religious leaders, communities, traditional figures, youth figures, and muzakkis.Besides, motulete, or the accuracy, to make the data of muzakkis and mustahiqs valid is required. As a result,ZIS collection becomes more effective and its distribution is on target; (2) The implementation of ZIS policy inpoverty alleviation in Gorontalo will be optimal if conducted following the mopolamahu principle, a motivatingprinciple to use ZIS in accordance with the objective and intention of the aids. Furthermore, to increase theefficient utilization of ZIS, we should implement a profit-sharing strategy. The strategy is built upon the huyulaapproach as one of the Gorontalo local wisdom, (3) In terms of monitoring; it will be optimized by the means ofmopopitoto or strict monitoring by the applicable statutory provision; (4) The communication factor contributesto a successful policy if applied using molumboyoto or gentle words so “wanu opiyohe loloiya apenu jatodoiya”(Using a good language in communication may lead to achieving goals without any cost/money); and (5) Thefactor of implementers‟ attitudes also contribute to a successful implementation of ZIS policy if they show amoodelo attitude and understand relevant propositions and sharia laws with ZIS, convincingmuzakkis andmaking them undoubtedly give ZIS on the behalf of them and their families.
Keywords: Implementation, Policy, ZIS, Poverty Alleviation