ABSTRACT: This contribution focuses on both the internal and external factors that led to the emergence anddevelopment of communist ideology in China. The People’s Republic celebrated the implementation of thispolitical-economic idea in 2021 with the centenary of communism. Nowhere else was this ideology sosuccessful, but the path taken was bloody. Interestingly, some of their leaders also tried to copy other ideasbased on Western models, but in fact only led to the disappointment of a misinterpreted freedom, at latest by thenegotiations at Versailles. Accordingly, the developments of modern China are brought closer, which on its longway is stronger today even in these times of crisis and is further expanding its influence, among other things, inthe course of the New Silk Road.
KEYWORDS :Liang Qichao, Woodrow Wilson, Treaty of Versailles, May Fourth Movement, Silk Road,Communism