ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study is to examine aspects of guerrilla marketing such as advertisingcreativity, message clarity, humor, and surprises in advertising to generation Z’s WOM activities mediated byadvertising credibility. The number of respondents in this study was 148 respondents. The respondents werepeople in the city of Denpasar with criteria age 17-25 years which included in the Generation-Z range. Datafrom the questionnaires were then analyzed using SEM-PLS. Based on the results, several conclusions areobtained namely (1) creativity, message clarity, humor, and surprise have a positive and significant influence onthe ad credibility, (2) message clarity and surprise directly has a positive and significant influence on WOM,while creativity and humor have positive but bot significantly on WOM. (3) Ad credibility has a positive andsignificant influence on WOM and (4) credibility can mediate the effect of creativity, message clarity, humorand surprise on WOM (full mediated).
Keywords: Creativity, Message clarity, Humor, Surprise, Credibility, WOM, SEM-PLS