The Influence of Halal Product Quality, Service Quality, and Religiosity on El Marom Store Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty – AJHSSR

The Influence of Halal Product Quality, Service Quality, and Religiosity on El Marom Store Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty

The Influence of Halal Product Quality, Service Quality, and Religiosity on El Marom Store Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty

ABSTRACT : In the business world, analysis of customer behavior is very important to understand. Wherebusiness people who want their business to be sustainable must understand and provide the best for customers.Providing quality products is one of the determinants of customer satisfaction. In addition, the provision ofquality services is no less important to support the creation of customer satisfaction. Moreover, the people ofIndonesia, where the majority of the population is Muslim, the satisfaction that arises as a result of consuming aproduct or service must be associated with Islamic values so that it is worth worship or in this case is oftenreferred to as the level of religiosity. However, customer satisfaction is not enough to guarantee that customerswill continue to be consistent in consuming at the same place. For this reason, it is necessary to pay attention tocustomer loyalty which is formed through the maximum satisfaction received. This type of research isexplanatory research with a quantitative approach method. The data collection technique uses a questionnairewith accidental sampling. The population in this study are all customers with certain criteria who have madepurchases at the El Marom Store. The number of samples in this study were 102 respondents. While the dataanalysis techniques using path analysis (path analysis). Based on the results of data analysis, it was found thatthe quality of halal products, service quality, and religiosity partially had a significant effect on customersatisfaction. Meanwhile, the quality of halal products, service quality, and religiosity partially have nosignificant effect on customer loyalty. However, customer satisfaction has a significant effect on customerloyalty. Halal product quality, service quality, and religiosity also indirectly influence loyalty throughsatisfaction.

KEYWORDS :HalalProducts, Services, Religiosity, Satisfaction and Loyalty