The Influence of Innovative Leadership and Work Culture on Teacher Performance in Junior High Schools – AJHSSR

The Influence of Innovative Leadership and Work Culture on Teacher Performance in Junior High Schools

The Influence of Innovative Leadership and Work Culture on Teacher Performance in Junior High Schools

ABSTRACT :The success of the national education system is seen from teacher performance. Teacher performance is basically the performance or work performance carried out by teachers in carrying out their duties as educators. The human resources of teachers will greatly determine the quality of educational outcomes, because teachers are the parties who have the most direct contact with students in the education or learning process in school educational institutions. The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of innovative leadership and work culture on employee performance in junior high school teachers in the northern region of Jember Regency. The number of samples in this study was 194 respondents using the proportional stratified random sampling technique. This study is categorized as a study using quantitative methods with a descriptive approach. Descriptive analysis of respondents was carried out in this study. Validity and reliability tests were also carried out in this study. Hypothesis testing was also carried out. The results of the data analysis showed that innovative leadership did not have a significant effect on teacher performance. Work culture had a significant effect on teacher performance.

KEYWORDS:innovative leadership; work culture, teacher performance.