The Influence of Project Life Cycle Management on Projects Performance of Prequalified Civil Works Contractors in Baringo County – AJHSSR

The Influence of Project Life Cycle Management on Projects Performance of Prequalified Civil Works Contractors in Baringo County

The Influence of Project Life Cycle Management on Projects Performance of Prequalified Civil Works Contractors in Baringo County

ABSTRACT: The state of affairs of projects in Baringo County impairs the ongoing concern due to debts and unfinished or stalled projects which the county treasury is carrying forward to subsequent financial years. These inconsistencies and anomalies remain a major challenge to the county’s integrated development plan. This study sought to determine the influence of project life cycle management on project performance of prequalified civil works contractors in Baringo County. Specifically, the study sought to determine the influence of project initiation, project execution and project monitoring on project performance of the prequalified contractors in Baringo County. Descriptive research design was adopted and the study target population was the 53 prequalified civil works contractors from which census was conducted. Self-administered questionnaires were used in the study as data collecting instruments. Qualitative and quantitative data was analyzed using SPSS. The study findings revealed that initiation, execution, and monitoring have a positive significant influence on project performance. The study concluded that prequalified civil work contractors should improve on approach to project initiation, project execution and project monitoring. The study recommended improvement on scope statement, project planning process, communication, contract signing and payment, deliverables assessment,
change control, progress report, and timely feedback and checklist.
KEY TERMS: Project execution, project initiation, project monitoring, project performance and project life cycle