The Influence of Social Support and Emotional Intelligence on Burnout with Locus of Control as A Moderating Variable in Bank Marketing Managers on The Island of Lombok – AJHSSR

The Influence of Social Support and Emotional Intelligence on Burnout with Locus of Control as A Moderating Variable in Bank Marketing Managers on The Island of Lombok

The Influence of Social Support and Emotional Intelligence on Burnout with Locus of Control as A Moderating Variable in Bank Marketing Managers on The Island of Lombok

ABSTRACT:The objective of this study is to examine the impact of social support and emotional intelligenceon burnout while considering the locus of control as a moderating factor. This study is a form of causalassociative research that investigates the relationship between one or two other variables. This research employsa quantitative methodology, which involves gathering numerical data and subjecting it to mathematical(statistical) analysis. Hods The sample for this study consisted of 237 Marketing Managers from CommercialBanks, Rural Banks, and Sharia Banks residing on Lombok Island. The research used a probability samplingtechnique, specifically designed to enhance the representativeness of the population from which the samplemembers are picked. As a result, a total of 70 respondents were included in the study. Subsequently, theresearch data was analysed using the Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Model (PLS-SEM) with the useof clever PLS 3.0 software. The study’s groundbreaking results demonstrate that both social support andemotional intelligence have a detrimental and substantial effect on burnout. Additionally, locus of controldiminishes the impact of social support on burnout. However, locus of control cannot mitigate the influence ofemotional intelligence on burnout. Therefore, the locus of control does not exert any influence on the correlationbetween emotional intelligence and burnout levels.

KEYWORDS :Social Support, Emotional Intelligence, Locusof Control, Burnout.