The Influence Of Structural Transformation, Education, and Open Unemployment on Poverty in Districts/City of Bali Province – AJHSSR

The Influence Of Structural Transformation, Education, and Open Unemployment on Poverty in Districts/City of Bali Province

The Influence Of Structural Transformation, Education, and Open Unemployment on Poverty in Districts/City of Bali Province

ABSTRACT : This research aims to analyze the partial and simultaneous effect of structural transformationvariables, education, open unemployment on poverty, and the most dominant variables in influencing poverty.This research was conducted in all district/city of Bali Province and used panel data (time series data for 10years and cross section data as many as 9 districts/city) with data collection methods through non-participantobservation (secondary data). The analysis technique used in this research is multiple linear regression analysis.The results of this research indicate that simultaneously the structural transformation, education, and openunemployment have an effect on poverty in districts/cities of Bali Province. Partially, structural transformationand education have a negative and significant effect on poverty in the districts/city of Bali Province, while theopen unemployment has a positive and significant effect on poverty in the districts/city of Bali Province. Thevariable with the most dominant influence is the education variable because it has the largest value ofstandardized coefficients beta among other independent variables.

Keywords:Structural Transformation, Education, Open Unemployment, and Poverty