The influence of transformational leadership style, motivation and organizational climate on employee performance – AJHSSR

The influence of transformational leadership style, motivation and organizational climate on employee performance

The influence of transformational leadership style, motivation and organizational climate on employee performance

ABSTRACT: Human Resources (HR) are very important in supporting the progress of the organization, for thisreason, employee performance should be considered properly and fairly, so that they can carry out their dutiesseriously and responsibly. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of transformational leadershipstyle, motivation, and organizational climate on performance. This research was conducted at Warung MinaPeguyangan, Bali, Indonesia involving 33 respondents with saturated sample collection techniques. Datacollection using questionnaires directly to all employees at Warung Mina Peguyangan, Bali, Indonesia. Dataanalysis in this study using multiple linear regression. The results of this study found that transformationalleadership style has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, motivation has a positive andsignificant effect on employee performance, and organizational climate has a positive and significant effect onemployee performance.

Keywords – community welfare, investment, economic growth, government spending