The Influence of Work-Life Balance, Spirituality, And Work Environment on Employee Performance Through Supportive Leadership Style as An Intervening Variable in The Representative Office of Bank Indonesia Jember – AJHSSR

The Influence of Work-Life Balance, Spirituality, And Work Environment on Employee Performance Through Supportive Leadership Style as An Intervening Variable in The Representative Office of Bank Indonesia Jember

The Influence of Work-Life Balance, Spirituality, And Work Environment on Employee Performance Through Supportive Leadership Style as An Intervening Variable in The Representative Office of Bank Indonesia Jember

ABSTRACT : This research objectives were to determine the influence of work-life balance, spirituality andwork environment on employee performance through a supportive leadership style as an intervening variable atthe Bank Indonesia Jember representative office. This research used the Explanatory Research type. Thepopulation in this research was all Bank Indonesia Jember employees with permanent employment status andworking for more than one year because employees who have experience will be more consistent in their work,totaling 48 people. The sampling method used a purposive sampling method. The data analysis method usesStructural Equation Modeling (SEM) with the SmartPLS application. The results of the research showed that 1)work-life balance, spirituality, work environment influenced the leadership style at the BI Jember Agency, 2)work-life balance, spirituality, work environment, and leadership style influenced the performance of BI Jemberemployees, 3) work- life balance, spirituality and work environment influenced the performance of BI Jemberemployees style through supportive leadership as an intervening variable.

KEYWORDS :Work-Life Balance, Spirituality, Work Environment, Supportive Leadership Style,Performance