EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This review focused on themes that have emerged on issues and discourses about Indigenous Peoples(IPs)/Indigenous Cultural Communities (ICCs) studies and education. It also reviewed and examined some ofthe international and national literatures on themes that facilitate the integration of IPs/ICCs Studies/Educationin the relevant curricula in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). It appears that the data collected revolvesaround four stand out in particular: the discussions of the concept and demographic status of IPs/ICCs;discussions on the integration of IP/ICC studies/education in the tertiary curricula; and contents and teachingstrategies to facilitate the integration of IPs/ICCs studies/education in the higher education curricula.The review provides the curriculum planners and school administrators the empirical evidence that canhelp effectively and efficiently implement the CHED Memorandum Order No. 02, Series of 2019 whichofficially mandated the offering of IPs/ICCs Studies/Education in the relevant higher education curricula for theprimary purpose of addressing issues confronting the country‘s indigenous peoples‘ communities.