The Meaning Interpretation of Kala Cakra Mantra – AJHSSR

The Meaning Interpretation of Kala Cakra Mantra

The Meaning Interpretation of Kala Cakra Mantra

ABSTRACT: Mantra is a prayer used by some Javanese people who are still steeped in the science of Kejawen.The words used in the mantracan be a good or bad prayer. Mantra can affect people both spiritually, mentally,and mind. The Kala CakraMantra is a spell whose function is to attack, protect, and even restore all the uglinessor misery of life. Because of the sacred nature of the verses, the Kala Cakra mantra feels thick with theknowledge of Kejawen. The efficacy of this mantra is still believed by most of the people of Central Java. Forpeople who are still in supernatural science, of course, they are no stranger to this mantra. In addition to being aprayer, the Kala Cakra mantra contains literary beauty which has a philosophical meaning and is used as a guidein the human soul.

Keywords: Kala Cakra, Kejawen, Mantra, Prayer