ABSTRACT: The method used in this research is to use qualitative descriptive research methods. Thisqualitative descriptive study was chosen based on the object of research, namely replying to the rhyme or whatthe Bangka people know as pantun besaot. The Data and data sources in this study are a collection of virtualworld rhymes, namely on the social media Facebook. The taken rhymes are as many as six which began to beuploaded by the chanters. The data in this study were collected using document analysis techniques, while thedata analysis technique used in this study was content analysis. Based on the results of the research that has beendone, data of six pantun besaot in the KBB (Bangkek Language Community) group on the Facebook page wereobtained which were then analyzed using the Dell Hyems theory.SPEAKING MODEL.The results show thateach pantun besaot that has been analyzed using the SPEAKING MODEL shows the identity and characteristicsof the Bangka Malay pantun.
Keywords :Cyberspace, Meaning, Pantun Besaot, Speaking Model