ABSTRACT:The Department of Petroleum Resources‘ statistics of oil spill incidents in Nigeria states that in 2017, there were 429 oil spill cases. 2018 alone recorded 569 spill incidents. Amnesty Intentional investigation of oil spills inNigeria unveil that some of these spill incidents recorded were left unattended by the oil corporations for days, weeks, and sometimes even months. This has increased crude oil pollution in Nigeria, and this has a huge impact on the environment. The control of crude oil pollution in Nigeria is saddled with the
National Oil Spill Detection and Response Agency (NOSDRA). NOSDRA is an Agency set up by law and one of its duties is to prevent and quickly respond to oil spills and reduce its impacts on the environment. Despite this clear mandate, oil spills and impacts on the Nigerian environment is on the increase. In this light, this article investigates the role of NOSDRA under the established law, how does NOSDRA receive information to respond to oil spills, the capacity of NOSDRA to respond and prevent oilspill incidentsin Nigeria. The findings of this research unveil that NOSDRAis slow in responding to oil spills, the Agency lacks qualified staff and vessels to carry out its statutory duties.
KEYWORDS:NOSDRA, oil spills, oil corporations, Nigeria