The Portrait of Directive Speech Act in Family Development Session – AJHSSR

The Portrait of Directive Speech Act in Family Development Session

The Portrait of Directive Speech Act in Family Development Session

ABSTRACT : The type of this research is descriptive qualitative which aims to describe the kinds of directive speech act in Family Development Session (FDS) Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) in Boyolali District. This research uses sociopragmatic approach to answer the problesm and to interpret the meaning of the speech or conversation  between the Facilitator (the Social Assistant) and the Participant (Beneficiary Family) with the consideration of the situation of speech. Techniques of collecting data in this research are free conversation involvement, taking note, and recording. Triangulation techniques used in this research are triangulation of data and triangulation of method. Technique of analyzing data is done by classifying data according to the characteristic of the object that is speech act. Then, the data are analyzed by using extralingual matching method. The result of this research shows that by considering situation of speech, there are various kinds of directive speech act used by society with low economic level. The directive speech acts based on the research are order, request, and suggestion.
KEYWORDS: Speech Act, Directive, Sociopragmatics, FDS