The Reality of The World and Imagination of Bambang Widaya Sp.: A Case Study of Lèng Performance – AJHSSR

The Reality of The World and Imagination of Bambang Widaya Sp.: A Case Study of Lèng Performance

The Reality of The World and Imagination of Bambang Widaya Sp.: A Case Study of Lèng Performance

ABSTRACT: Lèng comes as a representation of social class from the imaginary world of Bambang Widaya Sp. Widaya is able to perceive the social reality around her. This research is an analytic descriptive research that uses documentation of Lèng’s performance as a research object. This study uses Jacob Sumardjo’s theory of creativity as a tool to open up Widaya’s journey in writing Lèng’s plays. Widaya tries to use his abilities and insights in everyday life and his artistic life as a way to create. From the meeting between knowledge and experience, Widaya translates the social reality of the people in Java in the Lèng performance. The results of this study can be seen that Widaya uses her experience and insights about the social reality around his as a way of working. Widaya processes various internal and external things from himself by transforming the world of reality into a world of imagination in Lèng’s performances.

KEYWORDS : Bambang Widaya, Lèng, kreativitas.