The Role of Brand Image Mediates the Effect of Word of Mouth on Purchase Decisions at ErimarebangunStores – AJHSSR

The Role of Brand Image Mediates the Effect of Word of Mouth on Purchase Decisions at ErimarebangunStores

The Role of Brand Image Mediates the Effect of Word of Mouth on Purchase Decisions at ErimarebangunStores

ABSTRACT : Consumer purchasing decisions are basically not only dependent on the brand image created by acompany, but on the role of consumers in influencing other consumers to buy company products. The purpose of thisstudy was to explain the effect of word of mouth on brand image, to explain the influence of word of mouth onpurchasing decisions, to explain how brand image affects purchasing decisions, and to explain the role of brand imagemediating the influence of word of mouth on purchasing decisions. This study uses primary data obtained throughdistributing questionnaires. The number of samples used was 110 respondents. The results showed that 1) word ofmouth (WOM) had a positive and significant effect on brand image, word of mouth (WOM) had a positive andsignificant effect on purchasing decisions, 3) brand image had a positive and significant effect on purchasingdecisions, 4) brand image (M) is a variable that mediates word of mouth (X) in purchasing decisions (Y) or in otherwords, word of mouth has an indirect effect on purchasing decisions through brand image. The advice given is thatthe Erimarebangun store should always ensure the quality and model of products sold are in accordance withconsumer desires so that it will be easier to attract consumers to buy products.

KEYWORDS : word of mouth, brand image, purchasing decisions