The Role of Brand Image Mediating The Effect of E-WOM on The Purchase Intention of Yamaha N-MAX in Denpasar City – AJHSSR

The Role of Brand Image Mediating The Effect of E-WOM on The Purchase Intention of Yamaha N-MAX in Denpasar City

The Role of Brand Image Mediating The Effect of E-WOM on The Purchase Intention of Yamaha N-MAX in Denpasar City

ABSTRACT: Purchase intentions is one important step that must be considered by marketers because theintention is a condition that started someone when considering or making decisions in choosing a product orservice. In order for purchase intention Yamaha N-MAX grow it is necessary to pay attention to the E-WOMand brand image. This study aims to analyze the role of brand image in mediating the effect of E-WOM onpurchase intention Yamaha N-MAX in Denpasar. Research was conducted on prospective customers Yamaha NMAX in Denpasar. The number of samples in this study were 60 respondents. A sampling technique thatpurposive sampling, The collection of data obtained from questionnaires circulated prospective customers.Analysis of the data in this study menggunukan path analysis (path analysis), resultindicate that the E-WOMpositive and significant impact on the brand image, E-WOM positive and significant impact on purchaseintentions, brand image positive and significant effect in mediating the effect of E-WOM on purchase intentions,MarketerYamaha N-MAX in Denpasar advised to provide interesting promo or discount that respondents inDenpasar wanted to buy Yamaha N-MAX.

Keywords: purchase intention,E-WOM,brand image